How can you show love this February? Why not celebrate Heart Month with the American Heart Association? February is a month to showcase love and to remind us how important our hearts are to those we care about.
In honor of the month of love, we’ve compiled a list of tips to protect your heart and prevent heart disease. Let’s dive into simple ways you can protect your heart today.
1.Stay Hydrated
Drinking water is a simple way to protect your health and heart. It’s easier for us to be dehydrated during the colder months when the air is drier. Aim to drink about 64 ounces of water a day and avoid beverages that cause dehydration such as caffeinated or sugary drinks.
Drinking water not only helps control weight gain, it also reduces your risk of heart disease—the number one cause of death in the U.S. Dehydration causes your blood to be less fluid and forces your heart to beat faster.
Signs of dehydration are an increase heart rate as well as dizziness. If you already have a heart condition, than dehydration puts further strain on your heart and can make these illnesses worse. Consult your doctor if you are worried you might be dehydrated.
2. Exercise Regularly
During the colder winter months, it can be difficult to stay motivated and be active. But it’s important to protect your health by exercising regularly. Try to exercise for about 30 minutes every four to five days.
Simply walking on a treadmill, stationary cycling, lifting free weights, or using inexpensive equipment like a jump rope to get your heart pumping is a simple way to include exercise in your daily routine. If you can get outside, invite a friend or family member for a daily walk around your neighborhood.
Your heart will thank you for it! The more you exercise the stronger your heart becomes. This can reduce the risk of heart disease. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which puts less strain on your organs.
Individuals who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for heart disease. This is when your arteries are narrow or blocked making it difficult for the heart to pump oxygen throughout your body. Heart disease can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
3. Get Enough Sleep
The average adult between the age of 18-60 should get seven or more hours of sleep every night. If you are over 61, the recommendation is seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to the increased risk of heart disease.
Your body requires sleep to recharge and without it, you add stress to your system. Insufficient sleep can raise your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This can lead to high blood pressure which puts a strain on your heart overtime.
Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s rest on keeping your heart healthy. Prioritize your sleeping habits and getting regular rest.
4. Manage Your Blood Pressure Levels
It’s never too late to meet with your doctor and discuss your current blood pressure levels and health. There are easy ways that you can monitor your blood pressure at home and get on track with your heart health.
Scheduling an appointment with a heart expert can help you get a baseline for your heart health. From there, you can gain helpful tools to improve or maintain your heart’s function. Your doctor can determine what medications might be helpful for you individually.
Don’t wait until you have symptoms to check on your heart! Oftentimes heart conditions are undetectable until a more serious episode occurs. High blood pressure usually has no warning signs. The good news is you can measure your own blood pressure from home using a personal device. Talk with your health care team to learn more.
5. Eat a Healthy Diet
Don’t give up on those New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier this year! Heart Month is a great reminder of why you made those resolutions to begin with. Eating a healthy diet can prolong your life and help your heart.
Find ways to incorporate a variety of vegetables, fruit, and healthy proteins into your daily meals. You may have indulged over the holidays, but let Heart Month be the motivation you need to reduce sugar, unhealthy fats, and cholesterol from your diet. The food choices you make have a direct impact on your heart, even small changes can improve your health and quality of life.
In addition, reducing your alcohol intake and quitting smoking can have an immediate effect on your health. Reach out to friends and family or join a supportive community online to set reachable goals and be held accountable.
Spread Awareness
Heart Month is a time to shed light on the serious threat that heart disease has on our country. This is why it’s also important to spread awareness about the importance of taking care of your heart and looking out for people you love. We hope you’ll share these tips with friends and family so they too can spread awareness about Heart Month.
If you’d like to get started on your heart health journey, we can help. Learn more about your heart and how to get on track for your best year yet. Call us today!