Perfect Vein Care Solutions for Beach-Ready Legs

If you suffer from painful varicose veins, you’re not alone! About 30% of the world’s population is affected by varicose veins. Luckily there are new and less invasive treatments for varicose veins that can improve your quality of life along with their appearance.
If you’re dealing with unsightly varicose veins or experiencing a heaviness in your legs, that prevents you from enjoying life, March is the perfect time to get your legs treated — just in time for the warmer months! Don’t hide your legs this summer, discover how you can treat your varicose veins today.
What Are Varicose Veins?

When it comes to varicose veins, it’s not just about how they look. It’s how they make you feel. Varicose veins can cause health issues that affect your everyday life. You don’t have to try and cope with them on your own. There are real solutions available to you.

Varicose veins are the result of a venous insufficiency problem. This is when your blood vessels aren’t functioning as efficiently as they should. When the valves in your veins aren’t working properly, blood can trickle backward in the wrong direction. This can cause blood to pool in your veins. This results in bulging or varicose veins. 

What is Vein Care?

Vein care can refer to a variety of therapies and interventions that are used to treat vein-related symptoms. Visible veins on your legs may not only be an aesthetic concern but can cause health-related problems such as blot clots, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), and skin ulcers.

A DVT is when a blood clot forms in one of the deep veins in your body. This most often happens in the legs. If the blood clot breaks free it can travel to your lungs, block blood flow, and cause a pulmonary embolism. This is a life-threatening condition. 

Sitting for too long, smoking and certain medical conditions can increase your risk of DVT. Luckily there are advanced treatment methods that can diagnose and treat DVT. Schedule an appointment today for a complete analysis and advanced testing. 

Varicose veins can also be the source of symptoms such as pain, itching skin, leg heaviness, cramps, restless legs, swelling, aching, and much more. Reaching out to a specialist can help you treat the appearance of varicose veins and ensure your veins are in peak health.

5 Ways to Love Your Heart for American Heart Association’s Heart Month

How can you show love this February? Why not celebrate Heart Month with the American Heart Association? February is a month to showcase love and to remind us how important our hearts are to those we care about. 

In honor of the month of love, we’ve compiled a list of tips to protect your heart and prevent heart disease. Let’s dive into simple ways you can protect your heart today.

1.Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is a simple way to protect your health and heart. It’s easier for us to be dehydrated during the colder months when the air is drier. Aim to drink about 64 ounces of water a day and avoid beverages that cause dehydration such as caffeinated or sugary drinks

Drinking water not only helps control weight gain, it also reduces your risk of heart disease—the number one cause of death in the U.S. Dehydration causes your blood to be less fluid and forces your heart to beat faster. 

Signs of dehydration are an increase heart rate as well as dizziness. If you already have a heart condition, than dehydration puts further strain on your heart and can make these illnesses worse. Consult your doctor if you are worried you might be dehydrated.

2.  Exercise Regularly

During the colder winter months, it can be difficult to stay motivated and be active. But it’s important to protect your health by exercising regularly. Try to exercise for about 30 minutes every four to five days. 

Simply walking on a treadmill, stationary cycling, lifting free weights, or using inexpensive equipment like a jump rope to get your heart pumping is a simple way to include exercise in your daily routine. If you can get outside, invite a friend or family member for a daily walk around your neighborhood.

Your heart will thank you for it! The more you exercise the stronger your heart becomes. This can reduce the risk of heart disease. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which puts less strain on your organs. 

Individuals who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk for heart disease. This is when your arteries are narrow or blocked making it difficult for the heart to pump oxygen throughout your body. Heart disease can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

3. Get Enough Sleep

The average adult between the age of 18-60 should get seven or more hours of sleep every night. If you are over 61, the recommendation is seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to the increased risk of heart disease. 

Your body requires sleep to recharge and without it, you add stress to your system. Insufficient sleep can raise your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This can lead to high blood pressure which puts a strain on your heart overtime. 

Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s rest on keeping your heart healthy. Prioritize your sleeping habits and getting regular rest. 

4. Manage Your Blood Pressure Levels

It’s never too late to meet with your doctor and discuss your current blood pressure levels and health. There are easy ways that you can monitor your blood pressure at home and get on track with your heart health. 

Scheduling an appointment with a heart expert can help you get a baseline for your heart health. From there, you can gain helpful tools to improve or maintain your heart’s function. Your doctor can determine what medications might be helpful for you individually. 

Don’t wait until you have symptoms to check on your heart! Oftentimes heart conditions are undetectable until a more serious episode occurs. High blood pressure usually has no warning signs. The good news is you can measure your own blood pressure from home using a personal device. Talk with your health care team to learn more.

5. Eat a Healthy Diet

Don’t give up on those New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier this year! Heart Month is a great reminder of why you made those resolutions to begin with. Eating a healthy diet can prolong your life and help your heart. 

Find ways to incorporate a variety of vegetables, fruit, and healthy proteins into your daily meals. You may have indulged over the holidays, but let Heart Month be the motivation you need to reduce sugar, unhealthy fats, and cholesterol from your diet. The food choices you make have a direct impact on your heart, even small changes can improve your health and quality of life. 

In addition, reducing your alcohol intake and quitting smoking can have an immediate effect on your health. Reach out to friends and family or join a supportive community online to set reachable goals and be held accountable. 

Spread Awareness

Heart Month is a time to shed light on the serious threat that heart disease has on our country. This is why it’s also important to spread awareness about the importance of taking care of your heart and looking out for people you love. We hope you’ll share these tips with friends and family so they too can spread awareness about Heart Month. 

If you’d like to get started on your heart health journey, we can help. Learn more about your heart and how to get on track for your best year yet. Call us today!

New Year, New You: Start Fresh with 3 Heart-Healthy Habits

Bring in the New Year with your best health plan yet! With each passing year, time feels like it moves faster and faster. We’re reminded that every second we have to share with our families is precious. That may be why 79% of adults make a New Year’s resolution related to their health each year. 

Sometimes, unhealthy habits can sneak up on us when we least expect them, especially when it comes to our hearts. Start your year with these heart-healthy habits to ensure you have many more years of vitality ahead of you.

  1. Make an Appointment with Your Doctor

The New Year is here, and with it comes the perfect opportunity to start fresh. It’s a time for setting new goals, prioritizing your health, and creating lasting habits that can keep you feeling your best all year long. 

One of the most important steps you can take is to focus on your heart. Start by making an appointment with one of our physicians at HeartCare for a wellness check. By taking into account your current health, you’ll be better prepared to plan out the next steps for your healthy habits. 

Plus, prevention is key to a longer, healthier life. Many heart-related illnesses are undetectable until a serious heart episode occurs. A “silent” heart attack is when a person has a heart attack but doesn’t have any severe symptoms.

Whether you have symptoms or not, a wellness check will give you the information you need to have a healthier year and beyond. Your doctor can create a heart-healthy plan that caters to your specific lifestyle, goals, and current health. 

  1. Manage Your Stress

Resolve this year to reduce and manage your stress whenever you can. It may seem impossible, but once you start prioritizing de-stressing, you’ll find simple ways to rest and recover. It’s necessary for keeping your heart healthy. 

This is because chronic stress causes an increase in inflammation in your body which creates a build-up of plaque in your arteries. It also causes an increase in hormones such as adrenaline, which makes your heart beat faster and raises your blood pressure. These strains on your heart could lead to coronary artery disease, which can result in life-threatening events such as a heart attack or stroke.

Before stress gets the best of you take steps now to avoid it. First, identify the areas of your life that are most stressful. Make it a priority to plan for these situations or see if you can find a resolution in advance. Taking breaks from stressful things can help you recover. Next, practice saying “no” and setting healthy boundaries whenever possible.

Set aside time to disconnect from the news, social media, and other stressors to relax instead. Do something that you enjoy such as taking a mindful walk. Take a class that teaches meditation or deep breathing or find another way to learn new healthy practices that slow your heart rate and release stress. 

Be kind to yourself if you fall back into unhealthy habits, then try to restart your de-stressing plan as soon as possible. Every little bit counts.

  1. Get More Sleep

Recent studies have shown that getting enough sleep reduces your risk of a heart attack. Healthy sleep patterns have been shown to directly affect heart health and its recovery after an injury. Your body needs sleep to repair itself from daily stressors. 

The average adult needs about 7 hours of sleep, but many do not get the full amount of uninterrupted sleep that their body requires. To ensure you have a restful night, you should start by making a sleep schedule and sticking to it. This includes going to bed at the same time every night.

If you struggle with falling asleep, try being more active during the day. For example, by going for a morning or lunchtime walk. Avoid exercising right before bedtime. Don’t use artificial light within a few hours before bed and implement a blue light filter on your phone or computer. It’s also recommended to not eat or drink before bedtime, especially sugar, alcohol, or fats.

New Year, New You

We wish you a happy and healthy New Year and hope that you will consider these heart-healthy habits. This is just the start to maintaining your heart health for many years to come. Don’t wonder about your heart health any longer.

Start by getting a complete wellness check with one of our physicians. You’ll gain helpful insights into your current heart health and ways to improve your wellness moving forward. Take the guesswork out of your daily routine, we can help you create the best plan for you! Call us today.

Enjoy Holiday Parties Without Adding Weight

December is a season of celebration, filled with holiday parties, festive meals, and delicious treats. It’s easy to worry about overindulging and undoing the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to maintain throughout the year. But here’s the good news: you can still enjoy the holiday season without the guilt or the extra pounds!

Keep reading for heart-healthy tips to enjoy the holidays without gaining weight.

Make Mindful Choices

The key to navigating holiday gatherings is balance and mindful choices. You don’t have to avoid your favorite foods—yes, even cookies can be part of the plan! Start by focusing on portion control and picking healthier options when possible. 

Fill your plate with lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains. Eating these types of healthy foods has many benefits for your heart, bones, and mental wellness, plus it can prevent illness. This way, you’ll stay satisfied and avoid the urge to overeat. 

It’s okay to leave room for a treat or two. But try not to fill up on foods or beverages that have a lot of sugar in them. Sugar creates inflammation in your body and can lower your immune system. You don’t want getting sick to ruin your holiday celebrations!

Savor Each Bite

Another tip is to eat slowly and savor each bite. It helps you feel fuller and more satisfied with less food while enjoying the season’s flavors. In most cases, weight gain around the holidays is due to snacking before and after your main meal. 

Try to avoid sneaking extra calories in between meals. Calories can add up quickly when you’re not paying attention. This is also true when you’re drinking alcohol, which reduces your feeling of fullness and can cause you to eat more than normal.

Drink Water to Fill Up

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This will keep you from mistaking thirst for hunger. Drinking a glass of water before a meal has been shown to help you avoid overeating by making you feel full faster.

Water is also important to your heart health. This is especially true around the holidays if you’re drinking alcohol or salty foods that can be dehydrating. Dry winter air can also be especially dehydrating, leading to stress on your body.

Stay Active

And don’t forget to stay active! A brisk walk or a quick workout can keep your energy levels up and help burn off any extra indulgences. Aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. That is 30 minutes a day for five days.

It can be hard to keep up an exercise routine around the busy holidays. But it’s just what your body and mind need to combat the stress and calories this time of the year brings.

We Wish You a Happy Holidays!

With a mindful approach, you can enjoy the fun and flavors of December without derailing your healthy lifestyle. So go ahead—celebrate, enjoy those cookies, and still feel great heading into the new year!
Here at HeartCare, we wish you and your family a happy, healthy holiday month. If you’re ready to schedule an appointment for your heart, contact us today.

Show Gratitude for Your Health this Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving at the heart of this month, we naturally focus on gathering with loved ones, sharing meals, and creating cherished memories. But beyond the food and festivities, November serves as a poignant reminder of something even more fundamental: our health.

This November, let’s embrace the spirit of gratitude for both our relationships and our well-being, giving thanks to the physicians, medical staff, and the technology, that help us live not just longer but better.

We’re here to help you have a heart-healthy Thanksgiving. Keep reading for tips to making this Thanksgiving your healthiest one yet.

Don’t Wait for the Big Meal

Although it can be tempting to skip breakfast so you have plenty of room for the main event, this can cause you to overeat. Instead of fasting and stuffing yourself later. Have a light breakfast when you wake up to avoid feeling starved.

When you’re not overly hungry, you can take your time and make smarter choices such as vegetables and lean proteins. You won’t feel the urge to pile your plate too high. Try drinking a tall glass of water about a half hour before eating, which both helps you stay hydrated and feel fuller.

Set Healthy Goals

You can set yourself up for success by planning what to eat ahead of time. You probably have a general idea of what dishes to expect at your family’s Thanksgiving meal. It helps to mentally prepare for what you’d like to put on your plate using visualization. This can make it easier to stick to healthier foods.

You can also avoid temptation by setting goals for what you’d like to skip or portion control. If you know you tend to overdo pumpkin pie, picture yourself only having one small slice. Often our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. Set yourself up for success by planning to take smaller amounts. You can always have seconds, but most likely you’ll be full faster than you expect.

De-stress Whenever Possible

Your heart is working hard to keep your body running in top shape. It works harder when you’re under a lot of stress. This can be difficult to avoid during the holidays but there are ways to de-stress if you make your well-being a priority. 

Take time to move your body and exercise. A brisk walk outside for 30 minutes or 10 minutes spread throughout the day can help lower your blood pressure and also maintain a healthy weight. It can also relieve anxiety symptoms.

Practice mindful deep breathing or pause for a quick meditation. Studies continue to show that meditative practices such as yoga improve stress-related conditions

Long periods of anxiety and stress cause cortisol levels to rise which can lead to increased risks of heart attacks and stroke. Set reasonable expectations for yourself and don’t overcommit. It’s okay to say “no” to avoid overextending yourself and to protect your overall well-being.

Minimize Alcohol Consumption

With the holiday season in full swing, it stands to reason that alcoholic beverages will be part of the festivities. Unfortunately, alcohol leads to many health problems, especially for our hearts. To avoid going overboard, try to alternate alcoholic drinks and dilute them when possible.

For example, take a break between alcoholic drinks with lemon water or flavored seltzer. Substitute cocktails with wine spritzers that have less alcohol. Mixed drinks can have a high sugar content, another reason not to have too many.

Binge drinking can cause irregular heartbeats even in people without prior conditions. The term “holiday heart syndrome” refers to the irregular heart rhythm that is often triggered during holiday drinking and can be very dangerous to your health.

In general, drinking alcohol is bad for your health. So if you can avoid it altogether, then your heart will thank you. Either way, drinking less alcohol can help improve your overall health.

Swap Out the Salt

Some of the tastiest dishes at Thanksgiving meals can be the least friendly to your heart health. Foods like gravy, mashed potatoes, and fried onions are high in sodium. You may not know exactly how much salt is in a dish if you didn’t make it yourself. 

Try to minimize salt which can cause high blood pressure and lead to more severe heart issues. It’s easy to ruin your healthy choices, such as white meat instead of dark, by covering it with salty gravy. Focus on filling up on healthier foods such as vegetables, whole grains, and protein.

Between the salty delights and alcoholic beverages, it’s important to drink plenty of water throughout the evening. Dehydration causes a strain on your heart and has also been linked to strokes.

Grateful for Health 

With the holiday season underway, Thanksgiving is a time to remind us of what we have and how much there is to be grateful for. We remember all the amazing ways that our heart serves us and the importance of keeping it healthy and strong.

Here at HeartCare Associates, we are grateful for all the ways that we can help you protect and maintain your heart health. So you can enjoy many more holidays to come with the people you love most. We hope these tips remind you to never take your health for granted.

Take the first step to another healthy year by scheduling an appointment here. HeartCare Associates is dedicated to caring about your heart and you!

Healthy Tips for a Fantastic Fall

The autumn season brings with it outdoor activities, seasonal celebrations, along with shorter days and colder temps. Fall is a fantastic time to focus on health and fitness by taking advantage of the season’s fresh produce and moderate weather. 


Start your fall off right and fend off flu season with these helpful tips to stay healthy. Start taking advantage of all the health benefits that the fall season brings today!

Seasonal Produce

Fall offers a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. With school back in session and more chances of catching a cold, it’s an important time to keep your body as healthy as possible. Keep reading for our list of the best fall produce. 

Delicious Autumn Fruits

Apples: High in fiber and antioxidants, apples are great for snacking and can be used in a variety of dishes including salads, pies, and cider. If there are orchards in your area, turn this produce into a full day event by going apple picking with family.


Pears: Another high-fiber fruit, pears are delicious and versatile. Try roasting them with cinnamon and cardamon or poach them. Pears are known to be an anti-inflammatory as well as great for your heart and gut health.


Cranberries: These are rich in antioxidants and can be used in sauces, salads, and baked goods.


Pomegranates: Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, pomegranates are perfect for adding to salads, as a refreshing juice, or eating on their own.

Nutrient-Rich Vegetables


Pumpkins: Rich in vitamins A and C, pumpkins are great for soups, roasting, and baking. 


Squash: Varieties like butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash are nutrient-dense and versatile.


Brussels Sprouts: These are high in fiber and vitamins. They can be roasted, steamed, baked, or sautéed.


Sweet Potatoes: Loaded with vitamins A and C, sweet potatoes are great for roasting, mashing, or baking.


Eating seasonal foods has been shown to taste better, be better for your health, and environmentally sustainable. Visit your local farmer’s market to get the freshest variety!

Hydrate & Boost Your Immune System 

Don’t forget to include plenty of water as part of your daily routine. Even though you don’t lose as much water from sweating in the summer, the dryness of the air causes us to dehydrate just as quickly. The heat in your home also causes further dehydration indoors. 


The colder temperatures bring cravings for comforting warm beverages such as herbal teas with ginger and cinnamon. These herbs are great for boosting your immune system! Incorporate a soothing tea to your morning or evening routine.

Stay Active with Fun Fall Activities

Take advantage of the cooler weather by engaging in outdoor activities like hiking, running, biking, or walking. Outdoor chores such as raking leaves are a simple way to get fresh air and get your heart pumping. 


However, don’t underestimate the challenge of yard work! In fact, the strain of raking leaves can not only create muscle pain and injuries, but can cause a heart attack or stroke in those at risk. Be sure to stretch beforehand, take breaks, and drink plenty of water throughout.

Consistency is Key

Establish a regular exercise routine that includes a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. 


Consistent activity can help you maintain a healthy weight to prevent health problems such as diabetes which can lead to life threatening conditions like heart attack or stroke. The American Heart Association recommends at least 2.5 hours of heart-pumping physical activity a week.


Strength Training: Incorporate strength training exercises to build muscle and boost metabolism. Lifting weights or using resistant bands are an inexpensive, yet effective way to strengthen your body from the comfort of your own home. 


Look for opportunities to stay active throughout the day, such as taking the stairs, walking during breaks, or doing short workouts. Be sure to wear reflective clothing if you plan to exercise outdoors early in the morning or in the afternoon, as daylight hours continue to shorten.

Mental Health 

As we shift into shorter days and colder weather, millions of Americans find that they feel less motivated and experience varying levels of depression. Season Affective Disorder (SAD), more commonly known as the “winter blues,” can have a serious effect on your mood and is partially caused by the lack of daylight.


SAD is often treating with light therapy, Vitamin D, psychotherapy, and antidepressants. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can also help to counteract the depressive feelings that come with SAD. 

Enjoy a Safe and Healthy Fall 

There are so many exciting things to look forward to during the fall! Whether your pumpkin picking with friends, exploring new outdoor hikes in the fall foliage, or taking your kids trick or treating, there are so many ways to have fun this fall. 


By incorporating these healthy eating and fitness tips into your routine, you can get into great shape and feel your best as the holiday season approaches. Stay on top of your health by scheduling an appointment here. HeartCare Associates is here all year long to care about your heart and you!

From Labor Day to World Heart Day: Have a Stress-Free September

To kick off September we celebrate National Labor Day, which honors America’s workers for their social and economic accomplishments. Their contributions to the country’s well-being remind us that we rely on each other to grow and succeed. Whether you’re employed or have a family to tend to, your health is important to those you love and want to be there for.

Don’t wait to start taking your health seriously! There’s no better time to start taking care of yourself for the longevity and quality of your life. We’ve put together some tips to help you take the first steps to a healthier heart and happier life—for you and your loved ones. 

Protect Your Heart from Stress

Studies show that one in six people with heart disease experience myocardial ischemia, a reduction in blood flow to the heart when they experience mental stress. This can cause an increased risk of heart attack or stroke

The link between the heart and mental stress is believed to be due to irregularities in heartbeats because of the stress’ effect on the brain’s communication with the heart. Researchers believe that mental stress causes a disharmony between your heart and brain, also known as autonomic dysregulation. For people with heart disease, this can have serious repercussions.

Stress can have negative effects even for those without pre-existing conditions. For example, one study showed that people with depression or anxiety are 35% more at risk of having a major cardiac event such as a heart attack or stroke. People who are more genetically prone to stress developed heart risk factors 1.5 years earlier than those who did not.

Tips to Reduce Stress 

It’s impossible to remove stressors entirely from daily life, but there are ways to take care of your mental health and protect your heart with these simple steps. The first and foremost being to consult with a professional to learn more about your heart’s current health.

Mental health is your emotional, social, and psychological well-being. It can determine how you cope with life’s stressors, how you relate to others, as well as decision-making skills. There are many ways that poor mental health can affect you, such as leading to high blood pressure, which can then result in life-threatening events such as a heart attack or stroke. 

Practice Mindfulness 

It’s important to prioritize stress-reducing activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining awareness of both your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in your body, along with external factors in your environment. 

The goal is to view them with an accepting perspective without judgment of whether they’re “right” or “wrong.” Many studies on mindfulness practices have shown that it positively affects our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Including an improvement in relationships, memory, and focus.

Journal Your Thoughts & Emotions

Another method to de-stress from a difficult workday is to keep a journal to process your thoughts and emotions. Journaling about what is stressing you can help you release pent-up emotions you’re internalizing without fear of judgment from others. Simple prompts, such as writing about three things you’re wishing for, have been shown to reduce stress levels.

Putting your stressful thoughts down on paper can allow you to gain space from them. You’re able to express difficult emotions safely. Instead of having them bubble up to the surface when you least expect it. It can also help you plan the best course of action using something as simple as a pros and cons list.

Connect with Loved Ones

Set aside time to spend with family and friends. This can foster a support network and allow you to put things in perspective. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the daily grind of work and routine, that we forget what brings us joy. 

Social interactions can help improve your mood and reduce stress. Studies show that having good friends is linked to better overall health. Schedule meet-ups with the people you love whenever you can. Your heart will thank you!

Take Time for Hobbies You Enjoy

Another way to de-stress is by engaging in activities that you enjoy and help you relax. For example, reading, painting, gardening, or any other hobby that you find fun. Even a short walk in nature can boost your health both physically and mentally. 

Whether you’re in a rural setting or the middle of the city, find local parks or other green spaces to get away from the hustle and bustle. You can even bike or walk to the park to get some additional exercise. 

If you’re unsure where to start with your de-stressing routine, try new hobbies and activities to see what works best for you! 

World Heart Day on September 29th

In addition to Labor Day, this month we recognize the World Heart Federation’s “World Heart Day” on September 29th. It’s a day to recognize the importance of your heart health and a reminder to see a cardiologist for prevention. You’re never too young or too old, to begin taking care of your heart—it’s the most important gift you can give yourself. 

Don’t wait! Take your heart health seriously this September by scheduling your routine checkup with a specialist today. Whether you feel great or have concerns, the sooner you check, the more likely you’ll improve the quality and longevity of your heart health.

Eating Light for the “Dog Days of Summer”

When your body is faced with extreme heat, it can put a strain on your vital organs. Although heat-related deaths are preventable, approximately 1,220 people die every year in the U.S. from severely high temperatures. That’s why it’s important to take the heat seriously by caring for your body and eating and drinking the right foods.

It’s not enough to stay near the A/C this summer. Your body’s internal temperate is mainly regulated by what you eat and drink. We’ve created this list of tips to help you stay healthy and safe during the dog days of summer. Keep reading to learn more.

What Qualifies as Extreme Heat?

The danger of extreme heat can vary depending on where you live. That’s because “extreme heat” is when temperatures and humidity are much higher than the average for that area. To find out about the risk in your area, you can enter your zip code into the CDC’s heat risk site.

Older adults, children, and individuals with certain illnesses are at a higher risk of being affected by the heat. During periods of extreme heat, you should go to community spaces with air conditioning. Fans may create airflow, but they give a false sense of comfort and won’t cool down your body temperature.

Even more important than external cooling solutions, are the internal ones. What you eat and drink can greatly determine your body’s health in high temperatures. 

Hydrating Foods

Eating the right foods while in a heatwave is vital to staying healthy and avoiding heat-related illnesses. Because the body sweats more to cool down in high temperatures, it also depletes your body’s electrolytes and hydration faster.

Eat water-rich foods such as cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, and tomatoes to replenish your hydration. Cold soups and gazpacho are easy to make and are a refreshing way to prepare hydrating vegetables and fruits.

These will help your body to regulate its temperature and stay cooler. They could protect you from heat stroke, heart attack, and other life-threatening health problems that are related to heat.

Eating Light to Stay Cool

There are ways to stay cooler daily, as you’re out and about during extreme heat. Eating light during the hot days of August can help you stay cool and maintain your energy levels.

Have light meals such as salads with leafy greens, and colorful vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Use light dressings such as vinaigrettes or yogurt-based dressings.

Choose lean proteins like grilled chicken, tofu, or fish for a low-calorie option. You can grill them on the barbeque with fresh vegetables to add a smokey flavor without added calories.

Choose Refreshing Smoothies

Drinking refreshing smoothies during the summer is not only delicious, it’s also important to your health. Drinking smoothies is a great way to stay hydrated. They also contain important nutrients when made with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Another option is to blend fruits with yogurt or coconut water and turn them into frozen popsicles. They’re a great alternative to store-bought popsicles, which tend to have added sugar in them.

Consider including fresh mint in your next smoothie. Adding mint leaves to your daily consumption can further help your body stay cool. Mint is an herb that soothes digestion and naturally alleviates body heat. Consider adding it to salads, ice tea, or watermelon, or infuse it with your drinking water daily.

Avoid These Foods

There are some foods and drinks that can cause dehydration and overheating. For example, alcohol and caffeine cause your body to lose precious hydration which makes it harder for your body to cool down. This can increase your risk for heat stroke.

Limit your consumption of fried foods, burgers, and other heavy or greasy foods. These can weigh you down and make you tired. Avoid processed snacks such as cookies, chocolate, or salty chips that contain unhealthy fats, preservatives, and refined sugars. These lead to bloating and inflammation.

Lastly, eating spicy food is not recommended during hot days. Spicy food can actually cause you to sweat more, which leads to more hydration loss. Choosing healthier and more hydrating options will keep you feeling energized all summer long.

Stay Cool From the Inside Out

This August, be sure you take care of your health by taking precautions in extreme heat. It’s easy to forget the effects of heat when you’re having fun. Continuing to make healthy choices for your body, can ensure you stay well-hydrated and cool all summer long.

Ready to take action toward better health this summer for you and your family? Let us help you get there by scheduling an appointment here. Because at HeartCare Associates, we not only care about your heart – we care about you!

Safeguarding Your Heart During the July Heat

Summer offers sunshine, longer days, and outdoor fun, but it also brings heatwaves that can be tough on your heart. The intense July temperatures can pose significant health risks, especially for those with existing heart conditions. Follow these essential tips to keep your heart healthy and safe during the summer heat.

  1. Stay Hydrated
    • Dehydration adds extra stress to your heart. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, more if you’re active or sweating. Limit caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they can cause dehydration.
  2. Avoid Peak Sun Hours
    • Schedule outdoor activities during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening. Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the sun’s rays are strongest, and the heat is most intense.
  3. Dress Appropriately
    • Wear light, breathable clothing in light colors to help your body regulate its temperature. Use a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to protect your face and eyes from the sun.
  4. Take It Easy
    • If you’re not accustomed to exercising in the heat, start slowly and gradually increase your activity level. Listen to your body and take breaks as needed. Overexertion can lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke, which put extra stress on your heart.
  5. Stay Cool
    • Spend as much time as possible in air-conditioned environments. If you don’t have air conditioning at home, visit public places like malls, libraries, or community centers. Use fans, take cool showers, and apply cold compresses to your neck and wrists to help keep your body temperature down.
  6. Monitor Your Health
    • Keep an eye on your blood pressure and heart rate, especially if you have a heart condition. If you experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness, seek medical attention immediately.
  7. Eat Light
    • Opt for smaller, more frequent meals instead of heavy, large ones. Focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins that are easier for your body to digest and don’t generate as much body heat.
  8. Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses
    • Be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, cold or clammy skin, a fast but weak pulse, and nausea or vomiting. Heat stroke symptoms include a high body temperature (above 103°F), hot and dry skin, a rapid and strong pulse, and possible unconsciousness. Seek immediate medical help if you or someone else shows signs of heat stroke.

By following these precautions, you can enjoy the summer while keeping your heart safe and healthy. Remember, your heart works hard to keep you going, especially in the heat, so give it the care and attention it deserves.

Stay cool, stay safe, and have a heart-healthy summer!

5 Tips to Keep Your Heart Safe this Summer

It’s easy to get swept up in summertime fun, but there are many reasons to take the hot temps seriously and choose safety first. In 2023, there were 2,302 heat-related deaths in the U.S. and heat-related deaths continue to increase each year.

There are many ways that high temperatures affect our health. It can increase your risk of heart disease and heat stroke. Heat also increases the amounts of ground-level ozone, which causes asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The elderly, children, those who are pregnant, and people with compromised health conditions are at an even higher risk.

Although the summer heat can increase the risk of health issues, there are steps to take to avoid these dangers. We’ve got you covered this summer with a list of ways to beat the heat and protect your health all summer long. Keep reading to learn more!

  1. Protect Your Body

One simple way to stay safe outside in the heat is to dress appropriately. You can do this by wearing breathable materials that are lightweight and light colors. Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from harsh UV rays. Not only will this prevent sunburns, but can also protect against blindness.

UV rays damage your eyes and come from all directions, not just from above. They also reflect off surfaces around you and shine in your eyes. Eyewear that blocks UV rays will protect your eyes from severe damage and a hat can further block reflections.

A portable, hands-free fan and spray bottle can cool you down with a light breeze and water mist. If you’re outside for a while, an umbrella can be used to ensure the shade travels with you. Choosing well-ventilated shoes can help to keep your feet cool. 

Don’t leave your house without applying broadspectrum sunblock with at least 15 SPF. Sweating and swimming can cause your sunblock to wash off, so reapply every two hours or directly after towelling off. 

If you get sunburned, stay out of the sun until it heals and moisturize the burn with lotion or aloe. Don’t burst any blisters and cool your skin with baths and a damp cloth.

  1. Drink Water and Stay Hydrated

When our bodies are exposed to extreme heat, the cardiovascular system struggles to thermoregulate the body’s internal temperature. Your temperature can quickly rise to a dangerous level and excessive sweating causes your body to lose water. This can cause deadly health conditions including heat stroke and dehydration. 

About 75% of American adults are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration is caused when you lose more water than you’re taking in. Some ways your body loses water rapidly is through breathing, sweating, vomiting, kidneys. The heat can increase your rate of water and salt loss, especially if you are exercising and sweating more or breathing heavily.

Dehydration alone can cause death, but it can also cause other dangerous health problems. When you’re dehydrated, your heart has to work harder to pump blood through your body. If you have certain medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, you’re at greater risk for a heart attack or stroke. 

  1. Know the Warning Signs

Certain medical conditions require more water intake to remain hydrated. Plus, some medications including diuretics, beta-blockers, ace receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, and ace inhibitors can cause your body to react strongly to heat. 

The best way to determine if you are dehydrated is to monitor your urine. Having clear urine is a good sign that you’re hydrated. If your urine is yellow, then it’s a sign that you may be dehydrated and should drink more water. 

Other symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, headaches, swollen feet, muscle cramps, and feeling tired. It’s important to slow down and get out of the heat if you feel unwell. If you stop sweating, this is a sign that you are already dehydrated and at risk for heat stroke. 

To avoid dehydration, drink water before you’re thirsty throughout the day. This is because you may already be dehydrated before you feel thirsty. Drink one cup of water every 15-20 minutes for the best results. Drinking water throughout the day in short intervals is more effective than drinking a lot all at once.

If you are preparing to exercise or brave the heat, drink water before going outside. Otherwise you’ll be playing catch-up against dehydration.

Drinking too much water can have a dangerous effect. Overhydration, or too much liquid, is when the concentration of salt in your blood is too low and electrolyte imbalances (hyponatremia) occur, which can cause a medical emergency. 

To maintain a healthy balance of water and electrolytes, eat well-balanced meals. Unless you are profusely sweating for several hours, it is unnecessary to drink sports drinks. These tend to contain a lot of sugars and unnecessary calories. Alcoholic drinks, soda, and caffeine (including energy drinks) can cause dehydration, so limit your intake while in the heat.

  1. Heat-Related Illnesses

Every year employees are put at risk and dozens die while working in hot or humid conditions. Whether your at home or at work, it’s important to take precautions to prevent yourself from falling victim to heat illnesses.

Heat illnesses can affect anyone of any age, especially during rigorous activity while at work or while exercising. They include heat stroke, Rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown), heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, and heat rash. Use the buddy system to watch over your friends, family, and co-workers. Be on the lookout for common signs of heat illnesses such as small red bumps on the skin, muscle spasms, nausea or vomiting, slurred speech, rapid heart rate, or heavy sweating.

If the person is unconscious, immediately call 911. Heat stroke can cause death, so act fast and move the person to a cooler area. Remove excess clothing and use ice or cool water to lower their body temperature. Using a fan to blow air on the person may increase their body temperature if heat index temperatures are above 90 degrees. So instead try to find a spot in the shade or air-conditioned space indoors.

  1. Too Hot for Your Heart

Studies show that in extremely high temperatures, the rate of cardiovascular deaths can double or triple. In extreme heat, your heart has to work harder to cool your body down. It does this by pumping blood from major organs to your skin. If you are already at risk, then this can pose a threat to your well-being.

Some signs of heat exhaustion include pale skin, headaches, fast and weak pulse, nausea and/or vomiting, dizziness, and even passing out. If you feel your heart rate increase or your temperature is 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, you could be in danger. Call 911 and get to a shady area. Don’t drink liquids, instead try to bring your body temperature down with a cool bath or wet cloth.

Staying active is still important for your heart’s health. Try to bring activities indoors if it’s too hot to exercise outside. Choose an air-conditioned gym or stay fit by going swimming. If you do spend time outdoors, avoid the hottest time of the day which occurs between 11 a.m.-12 p.m. 

When you’re outside bring extra water and healthy snacks like frozen fruit smoothies, cold salads, and fresh vegetables to keep you cooler. Check on your pets often whether they are outside or indoors to ensure they are also staying cool and have access to drinking water. Never leave your pets or children in the car, as heat can rise by 20 degrees in just 10 minutes inside a vehicle.

Time for Summer Fun!

Sometimes the summer heat can take us by surprise. Preparing ahead by drinking water, dressing appropriately, and knowing the warning signs of heat illnesses can protect you and your loved ones. We hope you found these tips helpful and allow you to have a safe and fun time all summer long!

Ready to take action toward better health this summer for you and your family? Let us help you get there by scheduling an appointment here