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Fear Not! Heart Check-Ups Are Easier Than Ever

Is the idea of checking your heart health causing unnecessary stress? You’ve probably heard the statistics before about how the leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. 


But that doesn’t mean you should be afraid of checking up on your heart. More often than not, heart-related deaths are preventable, especially if you visit your doctor regularly for routine health check-ups and blood pressure tests. 


With new technology and efficient testing, monitoring your heart health is easier than ever. Plus, even if your doctor detects signs of heart disease, there are many treatment options. It’s always better to detect a problem early than to let it go untreated. 


Still not convinced? Keep reading to learn more about why there’s no need to fear a routine heart check-up with your doctor and why you should schedule your next appointment today.

Non-invasive Procedures

We’ve come a long way in the medical industry. Now it’s easier than ever to analyze and monitor our heart’s health. During a heart health exam, you’ll be asked to complete a questionnaire about your exercise and eating habits. You may be asked about your medical history related to your heart.


Your provider will usually take your pulse, blood pressure, resting heart rate, breathing rate, weight, and height, then test your blood for cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Once your doctor has collected this information they may want to discuss options to improve your health. 


Your doctor might order diagnostic tests such as a stress test, x-ray, or electrocardiogram (EKG). These are used to get more detailed visual images of your heart. These routine tests are mainly non-invasive and don’t take long to complete. However, then can significantly help your doctor better analyze your health and provide an effective treatment plan.


Factors such as diet and exercise can reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Simple changes to your everyday life such as quitting smoking, exercising more, or reducing alcohol intake, can improve your heart’s health. The first step is a routine check-up.

Early Detection Could Save Your Life

When it comes to checking up on your heart, the earlier the better. That’s because most heart issues are treatable if caught early. With today’s detailed scans and thorough methods of detection, your doctor can find and treat underlying health issues before they become serious.

This is extra important if you have a family history of heart-related illnesses. Regular check-ups before symptoms arise can greatly reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke and increase your lifespan. That’s more time spent enjoying your life with family and loved ones.


Issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can lead to more serious health problems including heart attacks, kidney disease, and strokes. Addressing them as early as possible through medications, diet, and exercise, can improve the quality and length of your life.

New Technology Makes Check-Ups Quick and Easy

There’s nothing to fear when it comes to a routine heart exam. Today’s technological advances allow doctors to check and monitor your heart for any concerning signs of illness. Plus, there are so many treatments available to you.


Your doctor may use Nuclear Cardiac Scanning to take detailed images of your heart. This innovative technology uses tracers to determine the blood flow and overall function of your heart. 


Whether it’s simply adjusting your exercise and nutrition plan, taking medication, or monitoring your blood pressure from home, your doctor has many options to care for and treat you. Seeing a doctor about something as serious as your heart can be stressful. But you can rest easy knowing that your doctor has the state-of-the-art care you deserve at their disposal.

Prevent More Serious Issues from Developing

Even if you’re feeling well, there are still reasons to fit a routine check-up appointment on your calendar. That’s because many underlying heart issues can develop into more serious conditions if left untreated.


Heart attacks and strokes can happen unexpectedly. It’s best to have a professional check your heart regularly so they can catch the early warning signs. Plus, letting heart-related health issues go untreated can lead to more serious health problems. 


An appointment with your cardiologist can also reveal congenital heart defects which are heart problems that you may have been born with. These include atypical heart valves, atresia (a missing heart valve), and septal defects. These defects are often found during routine heart exams. 


Your heart is an important part of your overall health. Maintaining a healthy heart is beneficial to all aspects of your body.

Symptom-Free? You’ll Still Need a Check-Up

Even if you feel fine and are symptom-free, we recommend scheduling regular check-ins with your doctor. This is because many heart conditions go undetected until a serious incident such as a heart attack or stroke occurs. 


In some cases, when a silent heart attack has occurred, you may not know it. Silent heart attacks are as serious as a regular heart attack, because they are caused by the blockage of blood flow to the heart.


There’s no reason for alarm, because the sooner you have your heart checked, the better. Catching an underlying heart issue while you’re still symptom-free gives you a chance to treat it before it gets worse. Whether you catch the early signs of heart disease or learn that your heart is happy and healthy, you’ll be glad you checked in with your doctor sooner rather than later.

No Regrets: Check Your Heart Today!

Regular check-ins with a professional cardiologist can improve the quality and longevity of your life. Today’s modern technology has made it easier than ever to improve and maintain your heart’s health.


Want to learn more about improving your heart health today? Call HeartCare today for a free consultation. At HeartCare, we don‘t only care about your heart – we care about you!

HeartCare Associates of Connecticut provides the highest level of care to our patients. From treatments of common coronary problems, to non-invasive and state-of-the-art procedures, to life saving surgeries our dedicated and compassionate staff will make you feel at ease.

Some of the most common illnesses and issues we treat are:

  • Aneurysms

  • Cardiac Catherterization, Angiography & Stenting

  • Congestive Heart Failure Treatment Center

  • Coronary Bypass Surgery

  • Coronary Heart Disease

  • Coumadin & Anticoagulation Clinic

  • Diabetes

  • Dizziness, Palpitations, & Heart Rhythmn

  • Heart Valve Problems

  • High Cholesterol & Triglycerides

  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

  • Nuclear Cardiac Scanning

  • Nutrition Programs

  • Pacemakers

  • Peripheral Arterial Disease

  • Preventive Health Programs

  • Stroke Prevention

  • Swelling (Edema) of the Legs & Ankles

  • Treatment & Prevention of Obesity

  • Ultrasound Testing & Echocardiography

  • Vein Care

  • Womens Health